Two amendments to address alleged oversights made by the California Coastal Commission regarding zoning and one proposed construction of a bluff face staircase will be discussed at Monday’s City Council meeting.
The City of Malibu has proposed an amendment to correct the zoning designation of 21200 Pacific Coast Highway from its current designation as commercial visitor serving to multifamily beachfront. The city considers it an item accidentally overlooked by the Coastal Commission. The multifamily beachfront zoning designation for the property was approved in 1999 long before the Coastal Commission drafted the city of Malibu’s Local Coastal Plan. The city aims to make the LCP and the zoning maps consistent with one another.
Another issue to be discussed at Monday’s meeting is a proposed amendment to the LCP that would remove a Land Use Plan policy that is outdated and inconsistent with the Local Implementation Plan. The amendment is intended to reflect the change from state to city ownership of Malibu Bluffs Park. Current LIP and LUP policies were written in 2002, before it was owned by the City of Malibu. The amendment is also intended to clarify that the park is not within a commercial area to maintain its residential and recreational usage.
Also on Monday, applicant Richard Scott is requesting an amendment to the LCP that would allow for the construction of new staircases on bluff faces throughout Malibu, with the requirement that the staircases would only be permitted on parcels with existing entry and exit easements that are no wider than 10 feet.
However, a property records search to determine which properties within the city met that requirement revealed only one parcel. The search focused primarily on rural residential parcels that included lots from Nicholas Canyon East to 32234 Pacific Coast Highway, along Birdview Avenue, Cliffside Drive, Wildlife Road and Zumirez Drive, as well as lots from Paradise Cove West to 27400 Pacific Coast Highway. The search also looked for parcels with bluff faces of at least 10 feet in height and with no existing stairs or trails to the beach. After a thorough review, it was determined that only the property in the city that meets the criteria is that of 7271 Birdview Avenue. It is not known if Scott owns this property.
Under the LCP, the prohibition of construction of stairways on bluff faces, with the exception of accessways to provide public beach access, is intended to protect seabird-nesting areas and maintain the biological productivity of the area. The city biologist has recommended that the council deny the application.