Climb brings two-way joy


In response to that wonderful letter you included in the July 14 Letters to the Editor column regarding my daily walk up Corral Canyon, there is really no thank-you grand enough to express how it affected me. But I will try. When I was a young girl, I wrote a poem called “On Top of a Mountain” in which the closing lines read, “I want to get to the top of a mountain and sit down and look out at the world.”

Wouldn’t life be lovely if we all had a special and private place where we could escape our fears, our trials, and our stresses and rejoice in our goals, our gains and our successes. A beautiful place where we could continually go to think and breathe, envision our dreams and silently reinvent ourselves.

Well, I have found that place and though it takes a whole lot of energy and discipline on my part to avail myself of it, the worth of its value is monumental, both physically and emotionally. It is my remarkable good fortune to have discovered such a pathway to freedom on that mountain and it is unbelievable that I should be garnering kudos for it.

And they are coming from the very people who are actually providing me with the impetus and spirit to keep making the move upwards. They are the awesome ones. Their waves and thumbs-up to me are the vitamins that lift me. Without ever meeting, they let me know that we are connected and they are rooting for me.

And though we remain strangers, we are friends, sharing a little bit of humanity.

Hermine Hilton

The Lady on the Mountain