Locals Can Now Report Water-Wasters

The fourth mural Artist Lindsay Carron painted for the City’s “Keep It Clean Malibu” campaign is on Cross Creek Road.

The City of Malibu has introduced an online form for locals to use in cases where they believe residents or businesses are wasting water.

Anyone who sees water being wasted — a broken irrigation pipe, a malfunctioning sprinkler, a hose left running, or other similar event — should report it,” a city release states. 

Staffers created the form — available by clicking here — in response to California’s severe drought. Water whistleblowers need not fear about being identified, as the city has pledged to “keep the identity of those submitting a report confidential.”

As a reminder, there are several water-saving rules currently in place across the city:

-Irrigation may only occur overnight from 8 p.m. to 8 a.m.

-Restaurants, cafes and hotels should only serve water to customers who ask for it.

-Irrigation cannot run into the street, gutters or neighboring properties.

-Residents may not hose down driveways or sidewalks.

To report a water waster or learn more about water conservation, go to http://www.malibucity.org/WaterWaster.