The joy and reward of community volunteering lies within each person differently. Some volunteers are coaches, some are librarians, some are city council persons. Two weeks ago, volunteers were at Surfrider Beach and Malibu Pier picking up after the LNG protest simply for the reward of giving and knowing that they are providing a benefit for the community.
I feel the same reward and benefit while picking up litter in my canyon. For those of you like myself (20 years in Latigo Canyon) who pick up trash after indiscreet violators, the reward comes from those honk or wave thanking you for your efforts. Writing letters to the editor, informing each others as to our efforts and in hope that some day people will pick up in front of their homes or businesses is the motivation. It is never going to be a perfect community because there are 13,000 different residents and ideas about the topic. There are millions of visitors each year who use our community politely; it is only a small percentage who actually “chuck their trash” illegally.
So while you are doing the right thing in your neighborhood, remember that in almost every little development in and around Malibu, there are a few of us thinking the same thoughts, doing the same deed. Pick up one side of the road one day, the other the following day and do it for all of us community members who care.
Jefferson “Zuma Jay” Wagner