Filing a Fictitious Business Name Statement


The Malibu Times, an adjudicated newspaper for the county of Los Angeles, will be glad to help you comply with the filing and publication requirements for a Fictitious Business Name Statement (also called a DBA). Please complete the form in type or handprint clearly in black ink. The forms are available in our office or from

When you have completed the required form, we will file it for you with the Los Angeles County Clerk. You will receive a certified copy from the County Clerk in approximately two weeks. We will then publish the notice for four consecutive weeks and file a proof of publication as required by law. The entire process take 6-8 weeks. Your recorded document will remain on file with the L.A. County Clerk for five years.

The charges for filing and publication are:

1. L.A County Clerk’s filing fee $26.00

Fee includes one business name & one registrant

For each additional business name or each additional registrant add $5.00

2. Publication charge $75.00


Make one check payable to “The Malibu Times”

Please include your phone number.

If you need to open a bank account, we will provide you with a copy of your completed form, checks and a receipt. However, it is up to the discretion of your banking institution as to what documentation you will need to open a bank account. The Los Angeles County Recorder’s office is in Norwalk. You can go there and file the document that day. After the document is filed you can bring the original or a certified copy to The Malibu Times for publication. Our deadline for publication is Fridays at 5:00pm, your publication will begin on the following Thursday. The L.A. County Recorder’s telephone number is (562)462-2177. The Recorder’s office does not do any name searches. If you would like to have a name search done, you can search online at

Thank you for choosing our newspaper for your publication. If you need any further information, please feel free to call at (310) 456-5507.