Yoga Group Celebrates 24 Years

Prime of Life Yoga celebrates 24 years, pictured, from left, back row: Lan O’Kun, Barbara Rose Ponse, Jane Abrams, Larry Payne, Gary Bowen, Tara Kamath, Sandy Pedeflous, Chris Payne, Kathy Demac, Michael Knape and Lorelei Woerner-Eisner; front row: Barbara O’Kun, Barbara Rosenblum, Chris Briscoe, Cheryl Jacobson, Lili Foster, Anne Payne, Deb Barry, Amanda Charney and Harold Payne

The Prime of Life Yoga class celebrated its 24th year at Malibu’s 5 Point Yoga Studio on April 3. The class was founded by Larry Payne of Samata International Yoga & Health Center on April 3, 1991 and has since taught hundreds of Malibu residents the practice of yoga.