Sympathy for animals


    I enjoy your (Pam Linn) column in the Times and did read it in the Oct. 5 issue, i.e. “Certifying Happiness Down on the Farm.”

    With all due respect, I am enclosing an article from “PETA” magazine. As a ranch person I hope you won’t be shocked by this. I send it along only to show you that times have changed tremendously as far as treatment of “food” animals.

    Incidentally, the way live chickens are shipped is only one small facet of the crowding, mutilation and cruelty they endure their whole lives.

    Again, I submit this to you respectfully. I know as a journalist you are a seeker of information and hopefully you will accept this as an offering of same.

    Thank you for your hard work and journalistic efforts, and thank you for reviewing this information.

    Sarah Priest