Letter: For the Kids

Letter to the Editor

I am writing this letter as a concerned parent of a student at Juan Cabrillo Elementary School in Malibu and also a longstanding member of PTA.

The Cornucopia Foundation/Farmers Market are a true support to everything that Malibu stands for. They have come to the rescue of all the schools, and many programs in helping fund or raise money to complete projects. The Cornucopia Foundation and farmers market have been an integral part of Malibu for many, many years. The county promised that during construction of the college coming in that the farmer’s market would stay intact — as is. I am urging the city to keep them to their word and leave the farmers market as is; any changes to their size and space would be detrimental to their ability to provide all of Malibu and many outside of Malibu with farm fresh produce and goods from locals. It would also hinder their ability to help fund projects and raise money for the schools.

Karen Pollock