Op-ed: Malibu Lagoon restored?

Malibu Lagoon on June 24, 2013

One year later and look what we have now… They never did a hydrology study, as they were supposed to do, and now this is what it is doing. 

There is a giant thick algae paddy going from bank to bank solid … The claim of better circulation was bunk! They are trying to hand in an after-the-fact hydrology study now? Little late for that! And our City Manager accepts that? Right… 

You all can thank: Heal The Bay; Baykeeper; Surfrider Foundation; Ca. State Parks; Santa Monica Bay Restoration Commission; and all the others that wasted Prop 50 Clean Drinking Water Bond money on this project. 

Know that these same people are about to do a project on the other side of the PCH bridge at Serra Road across from the old Guido’s under the guise of ‘cleaning’ up the arundo and the creek, that is really just making room for a parking lot and trail access … no traffic study on how a parking lot just after Serra Road and before the bridge will affect the highway? Great! 

The same people want to tear out the dam ($150 million easily) without doing any hydrology studies, putting cross creek residents property in serious jeopardy. 

Our City Council is all too ready to violate Brown Act laws in order to get the Bluffs Park swap going and spreading fear of big bad Joe Edminston in order to achieve that, while doing absolutely zero to stop projects by these groups that are doing real damage to Malibu. 

These groups are no friend to Malibu. 

Peel those Heal the Bay and Surfrider Foundation stickers off your car and stop giving them money! 

Look what they did to the lagoon… #FAIL 

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