Video: Skylar Peak Talks the Malibu Lagoon, School District Separation

Skylar Peak and Bob Perkins

In the final installment of a three-part interview for the web series, “Malibu Voices,” Mayor Pro Tem Skylar Peak gives his opinion on the biggest issues facing Malibu, including the creation of a formula retail ordinance, natural disaster preparedness and Malibu’s water infrastructure.

Additionally, Peak says he believes Malibu would benefit by forming its own public school district and thinks the city should work to acquire more public park land.

Peak is also asked about the success of the Malibu Lagoon Restoration Project and says it may be 5 to 10 years before one can gauge the project’s results. The series is hosted by Bob Perkins and produced by Marshall Thompson. For the full interview, check it out below:

“Malibu Voices” – A conversation with Councilmember Skylar Peak Part 3 High-Definition from Marshall Thompson on Vimeo.