From the Other Publisher: Where Is Bruce Silverstein and What Have You Done With Him?

Karen York

Very soon after the Woolsey Fire, Operation Recovery (OR), a program that originated after the 1993 Old Topanga Fire and has continued to serve those who have lost their homes to various Malibu fires since, was reactivated. The first thing we did was invite concerned citizens who wanted to help in the recovery process—from the immediate aftermath through the rebuilding process—to join us.  One of the very first volunteers for the OR Woolsey Fire Steering Committee was Bruce Silverstein. 

During his participation, Bruce was instrumental in leading several initiatives that made a significant difference to those who were facing the onerous challenges of rebuilding their lives and their homes. Among them was his leadership in vetting the many legal firms that were actively and aggressively recruiting “victims” to sign with their firms to represent them in anticipated litigation against Southern California Edison. During this process, Bruce and other members of the OR team were not only responsible for establishing which were the best and most qualified firms; they were also able to negotiate and improve contingency fees for Woolsey Fire clients. 

In addition, Bruce, along with the other members of the OR Steering Committee, helped produce multiple rebuild/recovery workshops and actively (and successfully) lobbied the City of Malibu to waive rebuilding permit fees and provide other resources to expedite rebuilding and recovery. Bruce’s intelligence, energy, integrity and commitment were unquestionable. And, despite his tendency to produce some rather lengthy email communications, we all respected and appreciated his contributions. 

I was not surprised when he decided to run for city council and, despite the Times’ endorsement of other candidates and, even though I disagreed with his campaign rhetoric—citing alleged city corruption and his promise to unseat City Manager Reva Feldman—I presumed, from my personal experience working with him on OR, that he would serve effectively and honorably if elected.  

However, much to my surprise, the Bruce I know appears to have disappeared. 

The Bruce whom I, and others who worked with him on Operation Recovery, know is more than capable of addressing his election promises and the duties and responsibilities of his new office professionally, collaboratively, effectively and respectfully.

So, where is that Bruce Silverstein and what have you done with him?Â