Letter: Speaking About Signs

Letter to the Editor

The onslaught of the newspaper articles, the ads and the emails regarding Measure R made me quite interested in the subject. To me, it makes sense, since it gives the Malibu residents the right to decide on their city’s future. 

Although I find it abhorrent, I can understand the developer’s motive for manufacturing misinformation aimed at scaring the public. (The argument about the Urgent Care is particularly appalling — an insult to the basic voter’s intelligence.) Yes, I can understand that. In the developer’s mind, making profit clearly justifies all means. 

But then, the news came out Malibu City officials hired a crew to remove the signs supporting Measure R from residents’ properties. Astounded, I decided to attend the City Council meeting on Oct. 13, in order to learn about the issue first hand. This was quite an experience. A number of residents showed up, a few carrying Measure R signs. To my surprise, a squadron of police in full gear joined the meeting and remained in the back of the room, ready to act. 

The residents expressed their anger about the City officials’ action and demanded an answer as to why the signs were removed and who ordered that they be removed. 

No straight answer came out of the stone-faced Councilmembers. They were clearly annoyed and tried to divert the discussion to other subjects. 

What is going on here? What is going on in these people’s heads? They forgot they are merely elected public servants, elected by the Malibu residents, to serve their needs and protect their rights. Have they been sitting in their chairs too long? This City is nobody’s fiefdom. They forgot that the birth of the City of Malibu originated from the wish of its residents to retain the right to decide on their city’s future. 

Measure R is nothing more than the reaffirmation of the same wish in the current environment. 

City Council has no business working against it, particularly not by engaging in theft from residents’ private property. 

Mike Pilepich