Letter: My Vote, My Choice

Letter to the Editor

After reading the Oct. 27 editorial section about someone stealing Jennifer deNicola’s signs from their property, I realized something sinister is going on in Malibu. I had two deNicola signs in our front yard in Point Dume Club, which disappeared a few weeks ago. Saturday night they were there and Sunday they were gone. 

Coincidentally, that same Sunday, the Peak, Mullen, Wagner campaign was having a pizza party in the rec center directly across the street from my house. I thought it was odd, but didn’t think much of it until I read another resident’s letter last week. I also noticed that many of deNicola’s signs along PCH have been removed, but not the Peak, Mullen, Wagner signs. 

I don’t know who is responsible for stealing her signs, but it is very dirty politics. Whoever it is, candidate or supporter, my property is off limits to you and my vote is my choice, not yours. The character, integrity and moral compass of deNicola cannot be lost by stealing her signs. DeNicola has been Malibu’s steadfast champion and she will always be our champion, defending our children, our environment and our rural character, and that’s why I recommend to everyone to vote for deNicola. Our residents need her. 

Kathleen Barnett