“Come Home to Mending Kids” fundraiser, a delightful afternoon tea with a twist was held at the private estate of Malibu Real Estate agent Chris Cortazzo on Sunday afternoon.
Malibu locals and visitors joined the celebration to support Mending Kids, which provides surgical care to critically ill children all over the world. Festivities included silent and live auctions, music, croquet, horseshoes, noshing on gourmet hors d’oeuvres, tasting from Strange Family Vineyards and much more.
Mistress of Ceremonies Dorothy Lucey and auctioneer for the afternoon, Ted Silverberg, kept the party going, enticing folks to bid on auction items and sharing success stories about children benefiting from the Mending Kids organization. All of the proceeds from the auction went toward supporting Mending Kids missions. Beautiful cakes from bakers all over Malibu were on display and ready for auction, with an added sweetness—a chance to win diamonds. Caroline and Michael Cusumano out-bid everyone, bidding on all the cakes, diamonds included, with a generous donation of $20,000 dollars.