New Septic Tax in Effect


Los Angeles County septic tank users including those in Malibu were sent bills this week from the county Department of Public Health (DPH). The department warned homeowners with septic systems that a new tax or permit fee would be assessed starting Jan. 1, 2020. 

DPH sent letters in July explaining the Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems policy. The adoption of the policy by the State Water Resources Control Board requires LA County to develop and implement new regulations for onsite wastewater treatment systems.  An annual fee of $5 for conventional OWTS owners and a $43 fee for nonconventional septic systems will be included in property tax bills sent by the Office of the Assessor. A FAQ sheet was enclosed with notices this week. There was confusion by some homeowners in July when the DPH inadvertently sent notices of the fees to nonseptic system households that are not affected. That glitch has apparently been fixed.