One of the greatest


When David Kagon passed away last week, our community lost more than a distinguished resident, it lost a gentleman. I first met David when we served together on the Malibu General Plan Task Force. Those were the days just after our successful revolt against the county and the dawn of Malibu cityhood. Everyone had a different and sometimes heated opinion on what should and should not be written into our General Plan, which today serves as Malibu’s constitution. The debates were often raucous, bordering on mutinous. But always, in the eye of the storm came David’s quiet, courteous, reasoned guidance.

Over the years, I worked with David on many other city projects and was blessed with the opportunity to call him a friend. Each time I was in his presence, he made me realize that passionate commitment didn’t require bomb-throwing rhetoric. Instead, he listened carefully to those with whom he disagreed, tried to understand their point of view, and never, ever engaged in personal attacks.

David was a member of what has been called “The Greatest Generation.” His values were simple-absolute integrity, loyalty, generosity and modesty. My deepest sympathy goes out to Dorothy, the wife he adored for 67 years, his family, and to the entire community, because we have lost an example of what we should all strive to be.

Sharon Barovsky

City Council member