News Briefs


Democrats rally in Malibu

More than 100 enthusiastic Democrats attended and participated in a “Rally and Candidate Fair” on Sunday afternoon at the Malibu home of Dr. A. S. Marwah. Assembly member Fran Pavley was the keynote speaker and emphasized the shortcomings of the Bush Administration in failing to fund the highly touted “No Child Left Behind” legislation. In addition, presidential candidates General Wesley Clark, Howard Dean, John Edwards, John Kerry and Dennis Kucinich were represented by speakers who described their candidates’ positions on important issues facing American voters.

New Santa Monica College Trustee

SMC Board of Trustees chose business leader Graham Pope to fill a vacancy on the seven-member panel, which was created by the resignation of Trustee Patrick Nichelson. Pope received four votes while former Santa Monica City Councilman Judge David Finkel finished second with two votes. The panel’s student representative, Melvon George, cast a symbolic vote for Pam Brady, a Malibu resident and former school board president. Soon after the vote, Brady announced she would campaign again in 2004, explaining that Malibu needs a representative on the board.

CA State Parks Foundation launches Coast Alive

With a $250,000 grant from the Coastal Conservancy, the California State Parks Foundation recently announced the launch of its new environmental education program, Coast Alive. The $1.3 million Coast Alive program combines classroom education, field study and investigation at local State Park sites in four California counties, with a strong focus on professional training, hands-on learning and in-depth curriculum development.

More than 2,500 teachers in the urban, suburban and rural areas of Santa Barbara, Los Angeles, Orange and San Diego Counties will be trained to bring 50,000 students to upland and coastal sites in their local watersheds.

Pierview Café sold to mystery buyer

After years of service to Malibu, Pierview Café will close its doors on Sunday, Nov. 9. The restaurant was sold confidentially to unspecified investors.

Assemblymember Pavley wins award

Governing magazine, an independent national publication devoted to the coverage of state and local government, named State Assemblymember Fran Pavley as one of its 11 2003 Public Officials of the Year. “Each of these 11 people,” said Alan Ehrenhalt, the magazine’s executive editor, “has demonstrated creativity, persistence and courage at a time all these qualities are desperately needed in American public life.”

Pavley was honored for taking on the issue of greenhouse gas pollution in her freshman term and, ultimately, passing a landmark bill requiring the maximum feasible reduction in greenhouse gasses from passenger vehicles and light-duty trucks by 2005.

Motorcyclists ride for benefit

The 1st Annual Vision Ride will take place on Nov. 16, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Five hundred motorcycle riders, enthusiasts, and their families will participate in the 20-mile ride, which begins at the Rock Store in Agoura Hills (30354 Mulholland Hwy.). Presented by the Foundation for the Junior Blind, the ride will benefit infants, children, teens, and adults who are blind or visually impaired.

For more information, visit or call 323.295.4555.

Free senior citizen flu shots

Free flu shots for senior citizens, administered by the American Red Cross of Greater Los Angeles, will be offered on Dec. 3 from 9 a.m. to noon at the American Red Cross, 1450 11th St., Santa Monica.