Updated: High Winds Down Power Lines

Southern California Edison

[Update: 1:50 p.m.]: All traffic signals were operational throughout Malibu as of 1:50 p.m., according to an alert issued by the City of Malibu.

As of that time, power was back to areas of Malibu including the Las Flores Canyon area and the Colony, though Southern California Edison reported predictions that full restoration of power to Malibu would come around 4 p.m.

[Update: 10:45 a.m.]:The signal at Pacific Coast Highway and Webb Way in the Civic Center was malfunctioning due to high winds knocking power out Friday morning, according to Lt. Mathers with the Malibu/Lost Hills Sheriffs Station. Mathers added that by 10:45 a.m. the signal at Coastline and PCH had been restored.

Power outages continued to pile up in Eastern Malibu on Friday morning, with a total of nearly 350 customers without power by 10:45 a.m. 

Nixle, a service provided by the L.A.S.D., issued an alert of signal outages throughout Malibu at 10:44 a.m.

“Traffic lights are malfunctioning due to several power outages in various locations around City. Drive carefully,” the alert read.

Traffic signals at the intersection of Coastline Road and Pacific Coast Highway were out Friday morning due to high winds, according to an alert from the City of Malibu.

Power was also out to over 80 customers in Eastern Malibu Friday morning and an additional 2,439 in the Topanga area of L.A. County, according to outage reports from Southern California Edison. Though “winds” are to blame for the signal outages and those in Malibu, the more extensive outage in Topanga was still under investigation by 9:45 a.m. Friday.

Many of the residents of Eastern Malibu near Las Flores were expected to have power restored by 11:30 a.m. Friday, while those in the Big Rock area were expected to be out of power until 5 p.m. SCE did not provide estimates for those affected in Topanga.

Deputies were on scene of the traffic signal outages while crews worked to restore power.

Edit: An earlier version of this story gave the signal outage as at Topanga Canyon Road and PCH. This has been changed as correct information was provided.