Residents May Now Weigh in on Water District Plans

Road Work Ahead Collection

LA County Waterworks District 29 has invited the public to review the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for critical water system improvements in Malibu and Topanga over the next six years.

The planned projects have been in the works for some time. Beginning in 2012, District 29 drew up a Water Systems Master Plan (WSMP) that was later refined to identify and prioritize the Malibu area’s most critical water system deficiencies. Public scoping meetings were held in Malibu in November 2017, with some concerns raised. The Woolsey Fire in November 2018 then raised additional concerns about having adequate water supplies for firefighting.

The current proposed water system projects include demolition of three aging and severely deteriorated water tanks, and construction of two tank reservoirs in Topanga and Malibu. In addition, 34,300 feet of aging and severely deteriorated underground water pipeline will be replaced in Malibu and unincorporated LA County, including 19,000 feet along PCH. Lastly, about 6,300 feet of new underground pipeline will be added in Malibu, and several creek crossings will be repaired and replaced along PCH.

The work has been subdivided into nine specific projects: Carbon Canyon Road and Carbon Mesa Road waterline improvements; Coastline Drive 12-inch waterline improvements; creek crossing repairs; Fernwood tank improvement; PCH eight-inch waterline improvements (Zumirez Drive to Escondido Beach Road); PCH and Topanga Beach Drive waterline improvements; connection to an emergency source of water (Las Virgenes Water District); Big Rock bypass improvements (construction of a 1,500-foot bypass for the main water line coming into Malibu, consisting of three parallel pipelines in PCH); and the upper Encinal tank improvement.

To review the CEQA EIR, go to: and email comments to by Dec. 14, 2020.