

Forecast for March 10-23

By Cortney Litwin / Special to The Malibu Times

The global focus on freedom and self-expression intensifies greatly after Uranus transits into Aries on the 11th, where it will stay for eight years. On a personal level, this influence can produce a major awakening in your life (read your sign for details). It also encourages you to be true to yourself by honoring your individuality and sharing your unique gifts with the world. Conversely, Jupiter opposing Saturn at the end of March may cause a conflict between the need for growth and a fear of change.

Meanwhile, in the communications arena, the Mercury-Pluto square on the 13th intensifies intellectually power struggles; the Mercury-Jupiter conjunction in Aries on the 15th energizes daring, far reaching or pioneering ideas; and the Mercury-Saturn opposition on the 18th favors analysis but can stymie ideas and discussions.

As for romance, the Venus-Saturn trine on the 14th favors discussions about commitment. Then work and service-related activities are emphasized during the full moon in Virgo on the 19th. Finally, the sun entering Aries on the 20th and merging with Uranus on the 21st energize innovation, individuality and extremism. Happy spring equinox, by the way!

If you know your rising sign from your time of birth, read that too.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Your originality and need for autonomy kick into high gear as Uranus transits through your sign, which can stir up your inner rebel. Allowing yourself the freedom to explore your talents, intellect and personal growth will help appease your restlessness.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

An awakening of your unconscious during Uranus in Aries may illuminate a hidden desire, talent, emotional block or psychic ability. If you take some quiet time to go inward, this influence will also ignite your creativity and intuitive guidance.

Gemini (May 21-June 21)

As Uranus in Aries energizes your social life, people who are original, intellectual or eccentric will be added to your circle of friends. Uranus will also heighten your need to make the world a better place by awakening your inner altruist.

Cancer (June 22-July 22)

Expect to see some changes in your goals as Uranus makes its way through your career sector. Autonomy, innovation or expressing your true self through your work will be a major theme that guides your direction.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

You’ll likely find yourself exploring your intellect or spiritual beliefs as Uranus in Aries encourages you to investigate different philosophies, cultures or other avenues that accelerate the growth of your brainpower or spiritual life.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Uranus in Aries can awaken your sexual and/or psychic energies by revealing emotional blocks. It can also spark your interest in death and the afterlife. On a practical level, the desire to be free of debt will be a driving factor in how you handle money.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

The need for freedom may prompt you or your partner to explore social, spiritual or intellectual avenues separately, which has the potential to reawaken your bond. If you’re solo, you’ll likely become involved with someone who is unusual in some way.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Uranus transiting through Aries will likely throw your daily routine into disarray, which can serve to ignite your ingenuity, especially in your work and health regimen. You may also become interested in holistic healing or involved in a charity project.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Some sizzling romantic encounters are nearly assured during Uranus in Aries. But if you’d rather channel this energy elsewhere, Uranus can also fire up your creativity by making you exceptionally innovative. Be open to the unusual.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

If you suddenly get the urge to change up your home environment, Uranus in Aries is likely to blame. Additionally, you may feel unusually restricted by family obligations, so give yourself some leeway to do your own thing.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Your naturally innovative intellectual gifts will intensify during Uranus in Aries, which can heighten your brilliance or bring out your penchant for “shock therapy” to get your ideas across. Respecting other people’s viewpoints will be the challenge.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Money can come and go in enormous quantities during Uranus in Aries. An unusual or innovative opportunity may be your pot of gold, but, needless to say, be wary of get-rich quick schemes, which will certainly come your way.