Letter: ‘Free’ Store for Fire Victims

Letter to the Editor

A version of this letter was shared to the Malibu City Council at its Feb. 11 meeting.

I am on a mission…

After volunteering countless hours as co-manager at the Izzy’s Donation Center above Café Habana I, now more than ever, see there is such a desperate need for a continuation and a permanent location for our fire victims to “free shop.” I am hoping that the current Izzy’s Donation Center can transition into this new location as a “free shopping” space for fire victims and those in need. Those not in that category would be paying customers and this would become a lucrative venue to compensate the city for expenses involved.

By the way, the Izzy’s Donation Center is the last up and running of these “free stores” for fire victims, to my knowledge.

Call it what we want—”Izzy’s Donation Center/Thrift Shop” or …      Honey Coatsworth originally started the Artifac Tree Thrift Shop to help the fire victims after the 1970 fire.

Now that Malibu has experienced its biggest fire yet, on Nov. 9, 2018, we more than ever need this type of venue.

Why I am approaching the city council is I am asking that this type store be funded by Malibu City.  

I thought an ideal location would be the old post office building behind Urgent Care. It is off the main road and large enough to facilitate large furniture, which our fire victims will be needing as they move into their rebuilt homes. But, of course you all as city council may well have another location that would work.

I feel that Malibu City owes this to their fire victims and this surely will help restore much of the faith that has been lost after the fire.

I urge the city council to consider setting up a task force or commission to make this plea a reality, sooner rather than later.  

This might even be placed as an agenda item at the next city council meeting.

Note: Donations are no longer being accepted for Izzy’s Donation Center, as of Feb. 11.

Maggie Luckerath

Co-manager, Izzy’s Donation Center