Local Coldwell Banker Offices Participate in Annual Food Drive

Sara Grisanti and Jared Rosenthal at the Coldwell Banker Malibu Colony Office, collecting items during last year’s food drive.

Malibu Coldwell Banker is competing in a two county wide food drive, hosted by L.A.-based NorthStar Moving, “Let’s Send Hunger Packing!” Donations collected will help feed children in Southern California that lack access to food. Malibu donations will benefit the L.A. Regional Food Bank.

Last year’s drive resulted in over 8,000 pounds of food donated within L.A. and Orange counties, which provided 6,487 meals to children. 

This is the third time the office the office has participated. This year’s drive has been moved up a month in order to ensure that food is delivered to students in need during the summer months, when they aren’t receiving one school-sponsored meal per day.

Non-perishable items will be collected at the Malibu Colony Coldwell Banker office, located at 23676 Malibu Road, and the Malibu West Coldwell Banker office, located at 29178 Heathercliff Road. Donations will be accepted through June 20.