Letter: Reconsidering Bike Lane

Letter to the Editor

First, I would like to address the issue of bicyclists taking responsibility for their own safety, as well as that of others. I have seen cyclists whiz through four-way stops, red lights, even in front of oncoming traffic in both directions from the far right shoulder of the road to the far left shoulder of the road. I think cyclists should be subjected to the same laws as the rest of us, and in the interest of everyone’s safety, should be ticketed for reckless cycling and endangering the public for such infractions.

Secondly, as a resident of west Malibu, there is another safety issue that has not been considered. On the beach side shoulder from Matador to the back entrance for Broad Beach road, there are several small roads and driveways where, in order to exit onto PCH, drivers must edge onto the shoulder to check for oncoming traffic from the west.

I live on a road where there is a blind curve as you exit. On overcast, rainy, or even those blindingly sunny days, I have actually had to edge out and park on the shoulder to check for oncoming traffic. Over the past few years, cyclists have been using this stretch of shoulder as a racing lane, and there have been several near accidents, as they do not look for exiting motorists, people walking to the bus stop at Matador, jogging, or trying to access the beach on foot.

Unfortunately, over the past few years it seems that the rights of cyclists have become a political movement, wherein they are the good guys and the rest of us are the bad guys getting in the way of their sport. But where so much danger exists, being politically correct may not always be wise policy.

I submit there should be no bicycle lane on the beach side between Matador and the back entrance to Broad Beach road, thereby respecting the rights of everyone and lessening the chances of hazardous accidents.

Patricia Jones