Letter: Doing Our Part

Letter to the Editor

In response to “Could Reiner Proposal Jeopardize Malibu Urgent Care?” in the July 31, 2014, edition of The Malibu Times:

I have, for many years, been a supporter and contributor to Friends of Malibu Urgent Care. Over a year ago, I became a board director. I was disappointed to read the disparaging remarks made by mostly anonymous commenters about Friends of Malibu Urgent Care, the Malibu Bay Company and, specifically, David Reznick. However, since some have criticized, I would ask them to ask themselves, what have they done for Malibu Urgent Care this year? Reznick has been on the board of directors for Malibu Urgent Care for fifteen years—well before the new Urgent Care facility was thought to be included in a Civic Center plan. Fifteen years. 

Malibu Urgent Care is able to operate because of generous donations of time and money. Reznick has done that. If you can, have you?

Marca Helfrich Kaufer