Credit where due


A recent letter to the editor implied that Ozzie Silna was opposed to the construction of “Legacy Park” in the Civic Center and placement of a wastewater facility there. A quick fact check will demonstrate the absurdity of this suggestion.

The records of US Bank, Malibu branch, establish that on December 2, 2005, Action Embroidery Corporation, a company owned and operated by Mr. Silna, transferred $500,000 to the account of the Malibu Coastal Land Conservancy to establish an irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit designating the City of Malibu as the beneficiary.

On December 12, 2005, US Bank, upon receipt of a statement signed by the City of Malibu indicating that said Letter of Credit “will be used to complete the acquisition of the Civic Center property of J. Perenchio,” transferred those funds to the City. To date, this is still the largest private contribution given to the citizens of Malibu for the property which is now referred to as “Legacy Park.”

The truth be told, these indisputable facts clearly establish that there are very few members (if any) in the Malibu community who have supported the construction of “Legacy Park” more than Mr. Silna.

Bruce H. Dunn