Highlighting Mental Health

Didi Hirsch Mental Health Services board members, pictured (l-r): (back row) Will Lippincott, Carlos E. Garcia, Martin J. Frank, Sara Rutenberg, Andrew Rubin, Michael C. Wierwille and Thomas J. Hann; (front row) Charlotte Fletcher, Janine B. Lichstein, Pamela Kluft, Christopher Harrer, Dr. Kita S. Curry, Melissa Rivers, Laura Ornest, Nancy Rubin and Gail Kamer Lieberfarb

Last month, nonprofit organization Didi Hirsch Mental Health Services held its annual Erasing the Stigma Leadership Awards at the Beverly Hilton Hotel. Two Malibuites—Christopher Harrer and Charlotte Fletcher—were part of the event, now in its 23rd year.

Harrer is the chair of the Didi Hirsch Board of Directors and served as the leadership and event chair on the Erasing the Stigma event committee. Fletcher is the secretary for the board of directors. 

Didi Hirsch provides various services related to mental health, substance use and suicide prevention to Southern California residents.