Check records before voting


    After reading last week’s paper it has come to my attention that apparently some of the candidates for City Council are all of a sudden promoting top key issues in our community. Carolyn Van Horn must not remember that prior to cityhood incorporation we had three ball fields and because of her “Common Sense” role we lost one of our original ball fields! If she believes that her role in Malibu’s Bluffs Park is “Common Sense” (as she states), then we are all headed for never having any permanent sports facilities!

    If Carolyn Van Horn believes her votes have personally “Maintained Malibu’s Beauty,” look at Lunita/Bailard (Trancas) condominium project, then take a look at what Carolyn Van Horn thinks is beautiful. These could have been six single-family homes on one acre parcels! Or if she had any brains it could have been purchased for $750,000 to be used as parks.

    People have been crying for years to Walt Keller and Carolyn Van Horn to “Simplify the Permit Process.” If they want to really simplify and streamline the zoning and permitting process, one single act would be a great start. Remove their appointed planning commissioners. It is their planning commissioners that have been promoting the most intrusive new regulations ever seen in Malibu on single-family homes. They are now implementing restrictions on your house color, roof color and wattage of interior light bulbs. Even worse is this new hillside ordinance! If they call this streamlining then they don’t have a clue as to the permit process. John Wall too is simply a clone of Walter Keller destroying Malibu with regulatory pursuits. It is disgusting to see him use his name in his ad alongside Joan House and Ken Kearsley as a feeble attempt to show some kind of a positive association to them.

    Members of my family have lived in Malibu since the early 1960s and we have been involved deeply in our community as volunteers on fund-raising and numerous events throughout Malibu. When has Walt Keller ever been to a major public or private function except when he is campaigning? After reviewing Walt Keller’s new campaign mailer it is clear on what he has not done for Malibu! He hasn’t claimed to have accomplished any these beautiful things on his flier. He can’t, he hasn’t done any of these, and he merely lists the top local action items of the week in an effort to appeal to the voters who may not be aware of his actual actions. Walt Keller and Carolyn Van Horn are shallow and empty people. They do not have regard for anyone else. To exist they need to be in control and receive adoration from their friends and followers. They are out of touch with the Malibu citizens and continue their personal attacks against us. This can be viewed almost weekly at City Council meetings when they exhibit stone faces and deaf ears on many public speakers’ cries for help.

    It is hard to still live in this once friendly town and witness the lies and deceit that they continue to exhibit. You cannot trust their record. Please even if you supported them before don’t vote them back in and “Keep Malibu Malibu and Protect Our Quality of Life.” The destruction of our city and personal property rights has to stop now.

    Val Fish