Stern’s Bill Set to Improve Voter Registration Among Foster Youth Will Become Law

Henry Stern

State Senator Henry Stern’s bill to improve voter registration among foster youth in California is set to become state law, in effect Jan. 1, 2018, after receiving unanimous support in both houses of legislature. 

Senate Bill 332 will ensure that foster youth receive sufficient voter registration services as they move into adulthood. This will be done by adding voter registration information into already existing forms. Senator Stern’s bill is set to reach 10-15,000 foster youth currently living in California.

“The right to vote is a cornerstone of our democracy and yet the voices of many vulnerable groups, such as young adults in or aging out of foster care, are often not represented,” said Susanna Kniffen, Senior Director of Child Welfare Policy for the advocacy organization Children Now, according to a press release from Senator Henry Stern’s office. “SB 322 takes a critical step in increasing the voices of these young adults by ensuring they receive the information they need on their right to vote and guidance on how to register.”