Letter: Black Friday Perils

Fire Chief Sam DiGiovanna

Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving, is when holiday gift buying begins. Sales offer big discounts and lure customers into stores, often beginning in the early hours of the morning. 

Unfortunately, Black Friday and most major shopping days are when shoppers may become the victim of crimes and injuries. People should be alert and aware of their surroundings and their vehicles. Park in a location that is closest to the store or mall if shopping when it is dark. Be careful of other motorists as they may be distracted. Park near lighting. Purses should be worn close to the body and difficult to snatch. If carrying a wallet, it should be kept in the front pocket or the inside pocket of a coat or jacket. Carrying too many bags may also prove dangerous.

If possible, leave children at home during Black Friday. The crowds of people can easily overwhelm a child who may get hurt or lost. If you must bring a child, it is important to hold on to avoid separation. Know where fire and emergency exits are in stores and malls. 

If you’re sick, do us all a favor and stay home! Bring hand sanitizers to help combat germs. Put away the cell phone and be cognizant and courteous of others. Most importantly, be patient. 

Now that’s a bargain! 

Fire Chief Sam DiGiovanna