Letter: Standing By Skylar

Letter to the Editor

Regarding Measure R: Just follow the money. Who is about to make a killing at our expense, unless we act now? Soboroff, who threatens to sue the city unless he gets his way and turns Malibu into another Manhattan Beach, and the Malibu Association of Realtors, who would gladly develop every available acre in Malibu, regardless of the clogged main artery (PCH), damage to the environment and loss of wildlife. 

Who would you trust? Rob Reiner, a resident and philanthropist, putting down his own money so that we can maneuver PCH without total gridlock and maybe find a parking place in our own small town? Or Soboroff, a well-known developer, “Your Malibu, Your Decision?”

Don’t let it happen. Three cheers for Skylar Peak and John Mazza, who have the courage to make a stand on this important issue. Let’s support them.

Jacqueline Craven