As always, your paper provides much to consider and observe. It seems that Malibu is becoming more complicated and even aggravating to some people — as indicated by your Letters to the Editor column. I thought this humorous poem might provide some insight and lightness into the grim situation in our poor battered Malibu.
Complications, aggravations —
All lead up to the same:
The present way of life we have,
Does not bring the peace we claim.
The comforts that we strive for,
And conveniences that we seek;
Only bring us further problems,
That even strike the meek.
The more we want, the more we pay,
In aggravating ways;
The taxes and the charges,
Surely do not make our days.
And then, if anything breaks down,
A specialist you must see —
Be it Doctors, Lawyers, Indian Chiefs,
The charges aren’t for free!
Oh’ yes, let’s not forget the best,
That’s heaped upon us all —
Our lives are enmeshed with computers,
Without which all will fall.
The more we have, the worse it gets,
Our lives are not our own.
This complicated way of life,
May not strike just me alone.
H. Emmett Finch