In response to “From the Publisher: Coming back to life” published on Nov. 29
Thanks for sharing the important info related to the recent events. I remember “saving” the ranch I used to live on Yerba Buena/Yellow Hill Road during the old Topanga fires. My heart goes to the community that has shown unity and resilience in times of uncertainty.
The following is an abstract of some of my work.* My apologies for being a bit “technical” in times we need to be pragmatic to find solutions for our community. Nevertheless, I wanted to show how a disaster management framework can actually help the community and deter or minimize future potential threats. It is vital that the city and policy decision-makers develop and implement a disaster-risk management methodology. In my travels with leaders of the UN, Harvard and other institutions, we develop these types of strategies that in essence are being implemented in many cities around the world. If anyone would like to reach out, please do so—particularly city leaders, as the time to be reactive and not proactive is over and the time to act is now.
Cesar Marolla