DUI Checkpoint Scheduled for Friday, Aug. 19

An LASD deputy questions a driver at a DUI checkpoint in 2013.

Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department’s Traffic Services has scheduled a DUI/Driver License checkpoint for Aug. 19. The location of the checkpoint will be undisclosed and may occur between the hours of 7 p.m. and 3 a.m. This will be the second DUI checkpoint in Malibu in August.

DUI checkpoints are intended to deter drivers from driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs that could impair their driving ability. Locations are decided based on frequency of DUI arrests with safety considerations for the officers and the public.

“Law Enforcement emphasizes the preventable nature of drunk driving reminding everyone that all it takes is a little planning ahead,” Sheriff’s spokespeople wrote in a statement regarding the checkpoint. “Designate a sober drive or call a cab. But whatever you do, don’t drink and drive.”

Drivers arrested for driving under the influence may face jail time, fines, fees, DUI classes or other expenses that can exceed $10,000.