Letter: Sincere Thanks

Letter to the Editor

We are officially retiring after starting and serving at the Point Dume Fourth of July Parade for 17 years. 

What a joy it has been for us.  

I (Alice) counted 75 people the first year. We had only a handful of spectators because everyone participated! I made about 200 calls to invite people and groups to participate, all with guidance and direction from Ann Vannoy. Neighbors on Pt. Dume and Malibu were so gracious and happy to help.  

From the very first parade, the children ran, rode bikes, scooters, skateboards or roller-blades out in front. If we kept their pace it might have been a 10-minute parade! 

We put our backyard BBQ on the bed of our old Toyota truck and offered hot dogs and cold drinks. Phil Foxwell (an 80 plus-year-old magician) did a free magic show in Pt. Dume Marine Science Elementary School parking lot. I carried around a can to collect donations to pay the $500 fees for the permit, parade insurance and fliers. Though I didn’t collect enough that day, I made phone calls and we were fully reimbursed. It was simple and fun for us all.  

We wanted to honor our veterans from the beginning, so we asked Roger Newquist (later with CHP) to lead the parade. Ron, veteran of WWII, and Julie Merriman came in their 1929 International Harvester. Ron blessed the event the following year in 2001, giving the children a history lesson and quizzing them. Slowly over the years, other veterans joined to be honored at the parking lot event.

Bobbie Nixon, the Merrimans and I formed a ‘steering committee’ to talk over the parade yearly and troubleshoot. Our main concern was always safety. Annemarie Brown couldn’t bring her drill team of German Shepherds after a few years because the children were running around like wild hooligans!

Rebecca and I rode the Plummers’ horses, walked, rode bikes or drove up and down the oncoming traffic lane to keep people in the right lane. It was usually orderly chaos.

Rebecca made up fliers every year but one (when Mindy Peterson did the honors). The Steven Grahek family volunteered to take over the after-event activities, adding ribbons, prizes and games, for more of an old-fashioned Fourth of July picnic, eventually taking over the BBQing as well. They solicited financial support from the Homeowners Association, the Riviera groups, etc. They took over the care of the covering of funds. Eventually, I quit carrying my can for donations.

It was important to us to recognize that this parade was a community effort, so anyone we knew who contributed we listed on the front and back of the fliers. By 2016 over 150 names were on that flier!  

We would like to acknowledge the new people that helped last year (2016): Marcia & Barry Cohn, Deborah & Dave Ruth (donations). Michael Novotny paid for the Parade Permit and insurance. Council members present and former: Pamela Ulich, Laura Rosenthal, John Siebert and Skylar Peak oversaw the parade. Doug and Gill Randall took over all of the Graheks’ after events.

Lydia Stiegler held the first Freedom Run before the parade honoring the memory of her mother, Vera Rink. Julia Holland sang the National Anthem. Pastor Greg Hughes gave a blessing. Dan Cislo served as MC. Deputy Mark Winn and the Lost Hills Sheriff’s ensured another safe year!  

If we have not mentioned you on the 2016 flier or here, please let us know. Thank you for the opportunity to serve our wonderful community. You made it happen, folks!

We love you all.

Rebecca and Alice
