Work Seems Stalled At Malibu High Demolition – Malibu Congressman Out Front Opposing Trump


Demolition activities at Malibu High appear to have ground to a halt …. PCB may have been discovered in the cement foundations.

The congressman who represents Malibu strikes out against the president and racism.

And Malibu High students get a Wellness Center … to talk about teen issues.

This is Malibu’s only local daily news.

It’s the Wednesday edition of the news … from Radio Malibu  …. 97 point 5 K B U.

Good morning Harvester Road.


Demolition activities at Malibu High School have apparently ground to a halt.

And the school district reportedly has found P C B contamination in the foundation and under the cement of the old library building.

That’s according to one local newspaper … which quoted construction managers who briefed the school board last week. 

School district officials have not yet commented on the report. 

Much of the front of the school has been torn out … but work has not progressed for nearly a month. 

The old main entrance to the school was supposed to be ripped down in early July. 

But it still stands. 

According to one local report … the existence of hazardous PCBs was discovered in the concrete slab below the administration building’s floor.

That building has been half torn down … with no progress visible for the past four weeks. 

The plan had been to finish the demolition quickly … before the start of school in the fall. 

That has not happened. 

We’ve asked the school district how it will remove concrete and other heavy debris … while school is in session … and when there may be hazardous material in the concrete.

No response yet from the district .… we’ll keep you posted.

School starts next week …. the demolition area is fenced  off … and that fence has just been moved back … to restore the two-lane drop off and pick up area in front of the school.


Malibu’s Congressman is making news … as one of the strongest and most-strident critics of President Donald Trump.

The president yesterday held a news conference …. you’ve no doubt heard about it … in which he unequivocally stated that Nazi protesters … and people protesting the Nazis … have equal standing and should be paid equal credence.

NEWSCART 77703 TRUMP :31 QQQ: were very violent.

“What about the alt left … that came charging at the … as you say … the alt right? 

“Do they have any semblance of guilt?”

… (reporter noise)

“Let me ask you this: What about the fact that they came charging … they came charging … with clubs in their hands .. swinging clubs … do they have any problem?

“I think they do.

… (reporter noise)

“You had a group on one side that was bad … and you had a group on the other that was also very violent.

“And no body wants to say that but I will say it right now.”

… (reporter noise)

“You had a group on the other side that came charging in … without a permit … and they were very violent.” END QUOTE

Those are condensed remarks by the president yesterday.

Congressman Ted Lieu has been a feature on cable T-V newscasts … rebuting the president int he strongest terms that we’ve heard from Capitol Hill.

Here is Malibu’s congressman … Ted Lieu … speaking on MSNBC yesterday,

NEWSCART 77302 LIEU :22 QQQ: this has got to stop

“Keep in mind … it was a white supremacist that killed a young woman … not other way around.

“It is not equivalent to be able to put the KKK and Nazis against any other groups.

“These are hate groups. 

“These are groups that have terrorized Americans throughout our history.

“The president needs to condemn themm

“By trying to say all sides are the same he is enabling them. 

“And that’s what is so disturbing 

“He is emboldening white supremecists and this has got to stop.” END QUOTE

Malibu congressman Ted Lieu .. speaking on M S N B C yesterday.


You are listening to the latest news from Radio Malibu … 97 point 5 K B U.


The Boys And Girls Club of Malibu has a major addition this year.

It’s a wellness center…. a three-room complex staffed with experts in issues facing young people.

It’s on campus … and it has graduate-level wellness counselors to deal with social and emotional support issues. 

Kids who need to talk to trained mental health professionals can drop in … and there’s a discrete door separate from the main Boys and Girls club entrance to remove any possible embarrassment. 

Counselor Mayra Herrera tells KBUU News the wellness center is available for all sorts of teenager worries. 


“We offer a lot of support. That’s basically what wellness means to us.

“You know, the school is great, they have great counselors, and they are able to offer academic counseling and support. 

“But the school, you know, is just not equipped with the time, also, to provide the emotional support that a lot of the kids need.” END QUOTE.

The Malibu High wellness center opens this week at the Boys And Girls Club…. tomorrow we’ll tell you specifics about the services offered there. 


Last spring’s heavy rains have both increased and decreased fire danger on the Santa Monica Mountains this year.

Ventura County … covers roughly a third of the local mountains … 

And the Ventura firefighters say the bushes and trees in the mountains above Malibu are in better shape than they were lasyt year … after five years of drought. 

But the wet spring has resulted in a bumper crop of weeds and grass … which has toasted dry and become a fuel bed for fire.

The Ventura County Star interviewed the V-C brushfire experts … and the conclusion is not good.

There’s already been one big grass-fed wildfire in Ventura County so far this year …. on the 4th of July next to the 1-0-1 Freeway at Camarillo Springs.

In all of Ventura County … it’s the Malibu area that is driest.

The Ventura County Star reports that grass samples from the Santa Monica Mountains near the Ventura-Los Angeles county line already have reached critically dry levels.


Former Malibu city manager Katie Lichtig has been hired as the assistant city manager in Santa Monica.

Lichtig has been city manager in San Luis Obispo for more than seven years.

Lichtig served as Malibu’s top manager in the early 2000s. 

She will be the number two boss in Santa Monica … behind Rick Cole. 


Aviation interests are reacting with alarm to the City of Santa Monica’s decision to shorten the only runway at Santa Monica Airport.

They are unhappy that their lawsuits are delayed … lawsuits aimed at reversing the F-A-A and Santa Monica decision to close the airport in 11 years.

The city has approved a contract …. to shorten the runway and eliminate 45 percent of the jet traffic .

The National Business Aviation Association has filed a lawsuit with the U.S. Court of Appeals challenging the agreement between the FAA and the city.

But the business jet advocates expect the court process to drag on for another year—well after the city’s timeline for shortening the runway. 

The court has denied the association’s request for an injunction against shortening the runway. But … the business jet association says all is not lost. 

Initial plans for shortening the runway do -not-  include actual destruction of runway pavement.——

Paving crews will be working today on streets in the Malibu Park neighborhood … and on Point Dume. 

That’s the area around Malibu High School.

Clover Heights will be repaved on the west side in the morning … east side after 11 into the afternoon.

On Harvester Road … the south side will be repaved this morning … and the north side after 11.

Merrit Drive … the west side this morning … the east side after 11.

And on the point … the west side of Birdview Avenue will be repaved this morning.

It takes between 2 to 4 hours for the slurry seal to dry … before it can be driven on. 


Traffic …


Weather for the Malibu ….

It will be ((((   Cloudy in the morning then sunny. Highs around 70  )))) degrees today on the beach … ((((   87   )))) inland. 

Winds will be strong  (((   up to 20  )))) miles per hour this afternoon.

Sunset tonight is at   ((((    7:39   )))).

After that … expect it to be (((  much the same   )))) tonight … a low of  ((((   55 )))) on the beach … down to  ((((   53  )))) in the canyons.

Tomorrow should be   ((((     )))).

Right now … at Trancas it’s ((((     64   )))) degrees.

In upper Malibu Canyon … ((((   61     )))) .

And at Civic Center Los Angeles … ((((    68  )))).

In the ocean … it’s ((((    67   )))) degrees in the water at Zuma Beach.

The lifeguards say the waves today are   ((((   1 to 2   )))) feet high …. 

((((  out of the south southeast. )))) 

((((  Poor to fair )))) surfing conditions …. according to the lifeguards.

(((((  Low  tide is at  11:04 this morning.

A five and a half foot high tide is at 5:41 this afternoon.   ))))


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