Senior James Gordon answers: Why is Malibu High School such a great school?

James Gordon

I have taken 58 classes over eight semesters at Malibu High School, and studied under 17 different teachers. These teachers were more than scary adults who simply read the textbook to us for an hour each day. They knew us and formed relationships with us, and that has made the difference in my life and many others. It is what makes the Malibu High experience unique. There is no other school I could have attended, and after reflecting back on my experiences, could I have said that I played basketball with a science teacher, celebrated Jewish holidays with an English teacher, camped with a math teacher and played in a band with four or five other teachers. 

However, I was not limited purely to the magical realm of academia. I was able to participate in sports all year round, including basketball, track and my favorite, cross country. There were days where I probably didn’t even stop running, and I loved every moment of it. The scholar athletes that I had the true pleasure of running with were simply spectacular. The days spent out on trails or at races were, in one word, inspirational. The coaches were the most dedicated people I have ever met, and at Malibu High School this was seen in every department, not just athletics. The music department perfectly exemplified this dedication and persistence, lead by a masterful wind ensemble and jazz band instructor, who simply is a living and breathing representation of music. 

Even after being stretched and shaped into a triangle bringing academics, sports and music together, I found time to spend with my favorite people in all of Einstein’s Universe. And let me just say, I love every single individual in the class of 2013, and I would be so perfectly content and jubilant to spend time with any of you. Spending time with the people in my class was always a party, whether it was just one other person, a group of 13 or the entire class. Truly it was an honor to be in the presence of each and every one of you, and I will never forget the amazing stories we have written together. From the projects we have made and presented to the entire school, to simply grilling that perfect steak, there are so many memories that will only seem farfetched and imaginary to anyone with the time to listen. 

Now, even though I didn’t achieve pre-high school dreams of becoming a big basketball star or solving the energy crisis, I’m not actually upset or regretful. Far from that, I believe that Malibu, and all of the people I have interacted with, has made my mind more mobile. Specifically, the people who are driving my inspiration are all of the seniors. Thank you class of 2013! Regardless of my goals going into high school, I like to think that we all exemplified successful high school careers. 

Malibu, I love you, 

James Gordon