KBUU Newswire – Day 332 – Mon Oct 7 -Big Santa Ana Likely Thursday – Chance of Blackouts – Underground Power Line Blast Burns 5 in HB



This is KBUU News – Day 332 – the Monday Headlines:

  • =  It’s looking more and more like Malibu is going to get a good strong Santa Ana Thursday.
  • =  The KBUU forecast for an intentional power outage???   40 percent. 
  • =  An underground power line blows up in Huntington Beach. 5 hurt.
  • =  An armed confrontation in the hemp fields west of Malibu.
  • =  What?? You didn’t know there were hemp fields west of Malibu??


Malibu’s Only Local Daily News … from Radio Malibu  …. F-M 99 point 1 K B U U. Good morning … I’m Hans Laetz reporting.


Overnight runs of the forecast computers at the National Weather Service are jelling … confirming that heavy Santa Ana winds will hit Malibu late this week.  KBUU’s best guess??? A 40 percent possibility of scattered blackouts in Malibu … for Thursday.  Details:  https://www.radiomalibu.net/40-percent-chance-of-blackouts/ 


On Saturday night … in Huntington Beach .. a Southern California Edison electrical transformer exploded in the middle of a big street party.  Two firefighters and three civilians were injured.  And the 60-year-old underground system right outside KBUU at Trancas was just inspected – bad news here.  Details: https://www.radiomalibu.net/underground-power-explodes-in-hb/ 


In what may be a taste of what is to come for Malibu … another coastal city is digging a line in the sand over how to protect property against rising sea levels. Details:  https://www.radiomalibu.net/coastal-battle-with-del-mar/


The strawberry fields up the coast from Malibu are changing … right before our eyes.  And last weekend … an armed confrontation on a pot growing field on Hueneme Road … just west of the Navy airfield.  Details: https://www.radiomalibu.net/guns-flash-over-hemp-at-hueneme/


Once again .. the Malibu Planning Commission is faced with a delay in dealing with the traffic jams at malibu’s restaurant row.

Both Nobu and Soho House are way behind their deadlines for coming up with compliance plans … 

Both wildly popular places are in technical violation of their coastal use permits.

Nobu is still dealing with the city attorney … that’s been for months now.

Soho House was supposed to have its parking problems … and the backup onto Pacific Coast Highway … settle last spring.

It’s been delayed … one month after another …. by the city staff and the club operators.

Once again this month … the city staff is telling the planning commission they need to postpone the item.


Traffic … in 65 seconds … first … 


((((  Sunny and hot … but not yet windy … today    )))) … highs  ((((    75   )))) beaches … ((((   92    )))) mountains and canyons. 

Downcoast winds …  (((  light and variable )))) this afternoon.

Sunset tonight is at   ((((   6:33    )))).

After that … (((  mostly clear  )))) tonight … low ((((  58   )))) beaches …  ((((  54   )))) mountains and canyons.

Tomorrow should be   ((((    a little cooler     )))).

Sweeping down the coast … at noon….

At Leo Carrillo Beach it’s  ((((       )))) degrees.   71 

KBUU Trancas … (((    ))).    71 

Paradise Cove … (((    ))).    75 

Big Rock … (((    ))).   68 

In upper Malibu Canyon … (((    ))).   85 

Calabasas … (((    ))).   88

And Civic Center L-A … (((    ))).   82

In the ocean … it’s ((((   65     )))) degrees in the water at Zuma Beach.

The lifeguards say the waves today are   ((((  1 to 2  )))) feet high ….Leftover SSW swell. Traces of NW swell. Poor to Fair conditions

Those are ((((  poor to fair )))) surfing conditions …. according to the lifeguards.

(((((   tides: Low 12:45pm 2.7ft   High 6:22pm 4.7ft   ))))


The KBUU Newswire is posted midmornings … at RadioMalibu.net and at the MalibuTimes.com websites.

Remember…  breaking news always  goes first to the radio …  on F-M 99 point 1 over all of Malibu….

Our web player is simple …. you can hear Radio Malibu in your phone or stream it to your car.

Navigate to Radio Malibu dot net . … and we’re streaming in your ear anywhere in the world.


Malibu’s Only Local Daily News – On the radio: FM 99 point 1 in all of Malibu – Streaming at www.radiomalibu.net anywhere else





© 2014-2019, Zuma Beach FM Emergency and Community Broadcasting, Inc. “Malibu’s Only Local Daily News”, “Radio Malibu”, “KBU” and “99.1 KBU” are all registered trademarks. No portion of this newscast may be used in any way by any nonauthorized commercial enterprise. All rights are reserved.









You are listening to the latest news from Radio Malibu … F-M 99 point 1 K B U U. 

Support for KBUU’s daily broadcasting … the signal on the air … comes from the Malibu Foundation … 

Their support for the KBUU solar panels and battery has kept us on the air continuously since August 18th … @@days.

The time is   (((   ))).


The issue of traffic congestion near the Malibu Pier keeps coming before city planning commission members … and keeps  getting delayed. 

The commission is set to discuss the traffic congestion issue at Soho House … again .. tonight. 

Again … it is getting delayed.

Staff says it needs more time to meet with the private club’s attorney and management … to cme up with a solution. 

Both it and its next door neighbor … Nobu … are in violatin of theparking and traffic plans. 

The city attorney is handling Nobu … no action to report there … either. 

Across the highway … Casa Escobar is asking for city permits to add large outdoor live entertainment events … and increase the number of large events at the existing restaurant.


The Parks and Recreation Commission will meet at Las Flores Creek Park, 3805 Las Flores Canyon Road at 2:00 P.M. 2:00P.M. 2:45 P.M. 3:15 P.M. 4:00P.M. Tour Site Itinerary Las Flores Creek Park – 3805 Las Flores Canyon Road, Playground Heathercliff Vacant Property – 29136 Pacific Coast Highway Trancas Canyon Park- 6050 Trancas Canyon Road, Picnic Tables Trancas Field-Trancas Canyon Road and Tapia Drive (APN 4470-012-901) Note: Transportation will not be provided. Participants are encouraged to wear comfortable walking shoes and carpool. Recommended action: Tour Parks and City-Owned Vacant Properties and receive updates on park projects by City staff. Staff contact: Community Services Deputy Director Riesgo, 456-2489, ext.350 


The federal government has opened 725,000 acres in Central California to oil and gas drilling on land that has been off-limits since 2013. The Bureau of Land Management issued its final decision Friday to allow oil and gas leases on plots that are mostly in the Central Valley, but also include parts of the Central Coast. The plan announced in May is part of a Trump administration goal to make the U.S. energy independent that has been criticized as a giveaway to industry. Environmentalists who successfully blocked the Obama administration from opening the land to drilling criticized the new development. The Center for Biological Diversity called the effort reckless and says it will continue to fight the government. The BLM says additional approval will be required for before any drilling.




Traffic … in 65 seconds … first … 


Weather for the Malibu ….

((((     )))) … highs  ((((     )))) beaches … ((((      )))) mountains and canyons. 

Downcoast winds …  (((    )))) miles per hour this afternoon.

Sunset tonight is at   ((((       )))).

After that … (((    )))) tonight … low ((((    )))) beaches …  ((((   )))) mountains and canyons.

Tomorrow should be   ((((    much the same    )))).

Right now … at Trancas it’s ((((       )))) degrees.

Leo Carrillo Beach …   ((((       )))).

Upper Malibu Canyon …  ((((       )))) .

And at Civic Center Los Angeles … ((((      )))).

In the ocean … it’s ((((       )))) degrees in the water at Zuma Beach.

The lifeguards say the waves today are   ((((    )))) feet high …. 


Those are ((((  fair )))) surfing conditions …. according to the lifeguards.

(((((   tide is at     ))))


The KBUU Newswire is posted midmornings … at RadioMalibu.net and at the MalibuTimes.com websites.

Remember…  breaking news always  goes first to the radio …  on F-M 99 point 1 over all of Malibu….

Our web player is simple …. you can hear Radio Malibu in your phone or stream it to your car.

Navigate to Radio Malibu dot net . … and we’re streaming in your ear anywhere in the world.


Malibu’s Only Local Daily News – On the radio: FM 99 point 1 in all of Malibu – Streaming at www.radiomalibu.net anywhere else





© 2014-2019, Zuma Beach FM Emergency and Community Broadcasting, Inc. “Malibu’s Only Local Daily News”, “Radio Malibu”, “KBU” and “99.1 KBU” are all registered trademarks. No portion of this newscast may be used in any way by any nonauthorized commercial enterprise. All rights are reserved.