Letter: Making a Comeback

Letter to the Editor

I have been a member of the Malibu Democratic Club (MDC) for eight years. Why? I know the MDC is a valuable part of the California Democratic Party and our social and environmental causes. The name and location alone express excellence and influence. Concurrently, I’m a member and former president of the Greater Oxnard Organization of Democrats (GOOD) Club. I felt mutual membership in the MDC is important to our parties efforts. 

In the past, the GOOD Club, along with the Sierra Club, the Environmental Defense Foundation and other environmental groups, fought two separate, well-financed energy companies’ attempts to locate liquid natural gas (LNG) terminals off the Oxnard coast and later another, close to the western Malibu/Oxnard shore. When the MDC, actor Pierce Brosnan and his environmentally dedicated wife joined the battle, the tide turned, and both LNG Plans were successfully terminated.

A few years ago, the MDC, under a changed leadership, seemed to go into hibernation and membership fell. This spring, the annual election established a new Board of Directors who is reviving the MDC. I am a proud MDC Director at Large and honored to serve on the board.

Long live the revived MDC!

Jim Hensley