Bill serves tots


Over 200 independent studies have linked Bisphenal-A (BPA) to a host of serious problems ranging from impaired brain development to many types of cancer. Yet BPA is still being used in many children’s products! Why are we, the consumers, standing by passively and letting them continue to use it? Why isn’t the government stepping in to protect the health and well-being of its citizens?

Despite fierce lobbying efforts by the U.S. chemical industry, the Toxics-Free Babies and Toddlers Act (SB 797) has passed the California Senate. It is commendable to see elected officials such as Sen. Fran Pavley put the health and safety of the citizens above the corporate interests of big business. We must never allow corporate lobbyists to trump our rights as citizens.

Indifference to protecting our rights to clean air, water and food will only lead future generations into a heritage of rampant chronic illnesses which already affect more than 50% of the population. If this trend continues, most of the U.S. population will eventually suffer some type of disabling illness. Senate Bill 797, the Toxics-Free Babies and Toddlers Act, is up for a vote in the California assembly. Call Fran Pavley at 916.651.4023 to find out how you can help get it passed, or call Assemblywoman Julia Brownley at 916.319.2041 and ask her to publicly endorse this bill.

Cindy Emminger