Pepperdine Dedicates Plaque for Grant Adamson

Sharon Adamson (Grant’s mother), Terry Adamson (Grant’s wife), and Grant’s daughters Megan and Lauren at a plaque dedication for Grant Adamson on Thursday of last week. 

Family members and longtime friends came together last week at Pepperdine University to dedicate a commemorative plaque for Grant Adamson at the Raleigh Runnels Memorial Pool.

Adamson died in a tragic hot air balloon crash last year and was survived by his wife, Terry, and two daughters, Megan and Lauren. 

“The plaque installation was supported by President Andrew K. Benton and spearheaded by his close university and Malibu friends who swam with him in an organized swimming group as a part of the Pepperdine Crest Associates program,” according to the university. 

Adamson was a beloved member of the Pepperdine community and helped found the Crest Associates Board. He also spent many mornings going for a swim at the campus.

“He gave up himself fully to his family, community and to Pepperdine University. We are happy to remember him in a place where he spent so many mornings starting his day,” said Heidi Bernard, executive director of the Crest Associates.