The Malibu Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) met at Beth Grimes’ home on Dec. 6 to finalize plans for its seventh annual gift giving to veterans and their families. This year, Malibu DAR will focus on veterans who reside at “The Haven,” a Salvation Army facility on the grounds of the Veterans Administration in West Los Angeles.
Annabel Sanchez, assistant director of The Haven, attended the meeting to present information about the facility and the needs of its residents.
Sheila Hill, chair of the 2014 Malibu DAR veterans’ program, said the group will provide a large, flat-screen television and a variety of equipment for each of the four reception rooms at The Haven, and supply incentive gifts for individual veterans throughout the year.
Malibu DAR members are also kicking off a year-round effort to organize and participate in activities such as bowling, golf and movie days with female veterans who live in the Naomi Wing of The Haven.