Lagoon plan unwise


On October 13, the California Coastal Commission will meeting Oceanside to decide to permit a massive dredging project that will drain and bulldoze beautiful Malibu Lagoon beginning in June, 2011. In a classic illustration of George Orwell’s novel “Animal Farm,” officials originally elected or appointed to protect the environment are now the very ones destroying it.

Imagine the fat cats of the “professional” environmental movement commanding the huge Caterpillar D-8 diesel-powered bulldozers, or running the coyly named “de-watering machine” or perhaps spraying industrial-level Round Up on any miserable leftover plants. From their environmentally friendly offices stocked with dolphin-safe tuna, recycled unbleached toilet paper and oh-so “green” bamboo flooring, they will kill or permanently displace nearly every living plant, bug, bird, fish, worm, crab or microbe in Malibu Lagoon. The existing three bridges and pathway will be ripped out, never to be replaced. The 1.5 million children, beachgoers, surfers, seniors, visitors, families, bird-watchers and wheelchair users will be forced to use the much longer, less ADA-accessible perimeter route. How can any rational person call this a good thing?

Make your voices heard by writing your Malibu City Council members, Coastal Commissioners and the media. When the Coastal Commission meets on October 13th in Oceanside, you have the right to be there and voice your opposition to this destructive and stupid project in person. Visit to learn how you can put the brakes on this Franken-project designed to line the pockets of engineering companies and misguided environmental organizations. Save Malibu Lagoon!

Marshall Thompson