

Forecast for Oct. 7-20

By Cortney Litwin / Special to The Malibu Times

The new moon in Libra on the 7th starts the week off with a fresh start, especially for relationships and artistic pursuits. This cooperative influence also helps with negotiations because it emphasizes agreements and compromise. Speaking of romance, Venus will be retrograde from Oct. 8-Nov. 18, which can improve your relationships through the analysis of past ties. Then communications take center stage as Mercury squares serious Saturn on the 8th, conjuncts the sun on the 16th and trines imaginative Neptune on the 18th. The sun-Neptune trine on the 19th can also heighten your imagination. When Mercury transits into Scorpio on the 20th, communications take on a penetrating, secretive or mystical vibe. Finally, the Mars-Jupiter trine on the 20th favors taking action on goals pertaining to culture, travel, education or spirituality.

If you know your rising sign from your time of birth, read that too.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Activities with your mate or business partner get a fresh start. Seeing the other person’s point of view will be easier now, which will help with agreements. It’s also time to free up your emotional energy by resolving and eliminating anger and resentment.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Now is the time to expand your work projects and improve your diet and exercise routine. Also, analyzing and discussing emotional issues with your partner during the next month will bring fresh insights that improve your relationship.

Gemini (May 21-June 21)

Romance gets a boost now, making it easier to attract someone special, although love may be grounded until after Venus turns direct on Nov. 18. Also, promoting/sharing your ideas will help launch a creative project during the next two weeks.

Cancer (June 22-July 22)

Activities involving your home are the focus now. Revamping your environment to reflect who you are can bring satisfaction. Gathering your family together to share stories about the past will help bring your family closer together.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Your brainpower is the focus now. Sharing your ideas will enhance your work projects, while verbalizing your feelings can improve your relationships. Travel is also favored for work or pleasure. Taking a class will bring satisfaction as well.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

As your earning power gets a boost, keep your eyes open for a moneymaking opportunity during the next two weeks. You may also get the urge to spend on something beautiful. It’s also time to review the effectiveness of your communications.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

The New Moon in your sign heightens your power to attract people and situations that help you manifest your goals. Socializing will open doors in your career and personal life, as long as you’re clear about what you really want.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Your psychic ability is especially powerful during the next two weeks. Meditation and dream analysis will get you in touch with your inner guidance. This is also a good time to heal the past through analysis, therapy or even a past-life regression.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Friends, groups and networking can bring opportunities during the next two weeks. Mainly, it’s about becoming involved in something greater than yourself, such as being part of a team that helps those less fortunate.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Your career is in the spotlight now, so look for opportunities to share your expertise and promote your projects. Commitments take precedence. Getting clear about your long-term personal and professional goals will accelerate your progress.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Taking time to get in touch with the bigger picture of your goals will help you move forward now. Also, deepening your faith through spiritual activities and expanding your knowledge through education and travel will being satisfaction.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Sex, healing and money are the focus during the next two weeks. Resolving issues concerning anger, jealousy or power will unblock your emotional/sexual energy. Also, reviewing how you handle debt will give you a sense of financial control.