Trying to save fawn


Milan, Gaia, Scampy and I were out in our garden this afternoon (Mother’s Day) when we noticed a deer with her fawn. We got so excited as we rarely see a baby deer. I started to run to get the camera when Milan noticed that the fawn was injured. Milan immediately ran out to save the baby as it was trying to get away with its mommy. He carried it to the front of our house and calmed it down while inspecting it. The poor fawn had two broken back legs (the bone was sticking out of one of them). Milan suspects that he was run over by a car.

I ran inside to get blankets so that Milan could cover him up and then called animal control. They said they would have someone out within an hour. While waiting we could hear and see the mommy stomping, pacing and snorting desperately looking for her baby.

Three hours later (Milan was on the ground all this time caressing and calming the fawn) they still had not shown up! I called the California Wildlife Center in Malibu and they said if we could bring the fawn down they would wait for us (as they were about to close) and they would examine him and perform surgery if need be.

Milan wrapped the fawn up nice and snug and placed him in a metal planter and he and the fawn sat in the bed of his truck while Gaia was in the front with me while I slowly drove off the hill to the wildlife center.

As we got off the hill, I noticed a cop car parked off the road. I was hoping that Milan would duck (it is illegal to sit in the back bed of a truck) or that the cop would not see us! As I turned the corner, I saw him behind me with his flashing lights! Even before the cop got out of his car we could see his pompous attitude. There were flies all around my window so I figured Milan would handle it. Milan explained the situation and of course the cop had to see the fawn in order to believe him. Thankfully he was compassionate and let us go! We were hoping that he would drive in front of us with lights flashing and sirens blasting escorting us to the center!

We finally safely made it to the center, where they were patiently waiting for us. They gave the fawn a shot to sedate him before they could examine his injuries. We filled out paperwork, said goodbye and left. I will call to find out whether they were able to save him and rehabilitate him or if the injuries sustained were too bad that they would have to euthanize him.

The center is a nonprofit organization so we are going to donate money to them. If anyone is interested in donating money too please visit: <<A target=”_blank” href=””>>

We really feel bad for the mommy as she has lost her fawn forever (even if he makes it). On a happier, lighter note Milan noticed a nest filled with bird’s eggs right outside our house in the garden and in the lavender bush.

Ziva Santop