SMMUSD Announces New Director of Classified Personnel

Michael Cool

The Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District (SMMUSD) appointed Michael Cool as the new director of classified personnel at its Sept. 2 regular meeting.

Prior to his appointment, Cool served as the supervising personnel analyst at Santa Monica College, a position he has had since 2014. He also held personnel analyst intern positions at the Bassett Unified School District and the Inglewood Unified School District.

Under the direction of the personnel commission, Cool will oversee the recruitment and hiring of SMMUSD classified personnel. Currently, the district has approximately 800 classified staff members.

“Although I am new to the district, I am familiar with the community,” Cool said in a statement. “I previously worked in the Personnel Commission at Santa Monica College, and we enjoyed a close relationship with SMMUSD. I have received a warm welcome and I look forward to a smooth transition to my new home.”