In response to Bill Barlow’s letter regarding Clout’s large and dangerous advertising display on PCH, I wish to express my opinion about the displays. On several occasions, I have found the size of the displays blocking my line of sight onto PCH and I had to edge onto PCH to get a clear line of vision in order to proceed. As a longtime Malibu resident, I feel strongly that we have had enough fatalities and serious injuries in the last few years and anything that might add to that danger should be eliminated.
It is delusional at best to claim that by eliminating Clout’s paddleboard eyesore of a sign it will somehow inhibit a local business “to earn an honest living.” Other longtime local surf establishments such as Drill, Becker and Zuma Jay don’t create driving hazards in order to survive. The owner of Clout is the same guy who parked his van on PCH with a giant paddleboard on top in order to attract attention to his store before he was told to remove it. Paddleboards are a danger in the surf zone already. Must they be a danger on the highway also?
Local businesses can survive without being obnoxious and a danger to drivers. If that’s what it takes to survive in the Malibu retail environment, I, for one, will shop elsewhere.
Eric Moore