Sheer tennis madness

Malibu Madness team members (standing) coach Scott Doerner, Jake Sall, Will Kish, Declan Bates, Jared Abrahams, coach Page Bartelt, (kneeling) Sasha Gilbert, Joey Ziontz, Russell Kish and Oskar Adamson show off their awards. (Not pictured: Aiden Flannigan, Jacob Leonard and Mike Burger)

Local tennis team Malibu Madness won its league after coming out on top at the West Coast League Championships on April 7.

The local team defeated Beverly Hills Tennis Center in the finals 7-3 after losing only one game in the three-month season. The team, coached by Scott Doerner and Page Bartelt, is comprised of 11 athletes from Malibu to Santa Monica from ages eight to 13.

“We could not be more proud of the players. They demonstrated great skill and sportsmanship while learning to compete for the first time in a very challenging individual sport,” Bartelt said.

Malibu Madness will graduate up to a higher division and begin a new season April 21, and is currently accepting new players. For more information, contact Scott Doerner at