Brownies tour City Hall

Fron row from left: Leila Anawalt, Jacqueline Tang, Tara Larkin, Kali deVarennes, Alexa Barton, Ella Ross, Mikaela Larkin; second row from left: Katarina Ulich, Farah Stack; back row from left: Troop leaders Anna Anawalt, Kylie Larkin and Denise Tang and Mayor Pro Tem Pamela Conley Ulich.

Brownie Troop 512 met at City Hall on Jan. 28, and earned the Citizens Near and Far badge.

The Brownies received a tour of the building from Mayor Pro Tem Pamela Conley Ulich.

They visited with City Manager Jim Thorsen about special projects planned for the city and met Mayor Jeff Jennings.

Thorsen showed the Brownies drawings of Legacy Park and told them about other plans for parks and special activity areas at Bluffs Park and the Trancas Park property.