Cloak of anonymity


    Why are the most vicious personal attacks aimed at the two candidates, Barovsky and Stern, who have most forcefully opposed the Coastal Commission’s attempted take-over of our beloved Malibu? Those attacks, smears, and slander never address the issues, proving that if you don’t have a message, the next best thing is to kill the messenger.

    The most reprehensible example of such smear campaigns appeared in last week’s issue of the other Malibu newspaper written by an anonymous, Pro-Coastal Commission hatchet-man. I happen to appreciate strong letters that are challenging. But that letter was neither strong nor challenging because of its lack of signature. That letter was the work of a coward. It is pretty obvious that the writers of these attacks are agents of a well-orchestrated campaign by those who think the Coastal Commission should decide our fate. Why else would the attack be against the candidates who are most outspoken in their opposition to the Coastal Commission taking over Malibu’s local control. Think about that when you vote.

    Lloyd Ahern