Guest Editorial: The Hate Trump Hysteria Hurts America

Rick Wallace

In November’s election, Donald Trump won the majority of votes in 2,600 U.S. counties. Hillary Clinton won 500. Trump carried 32 states to her 18, and won a decisive electoral victory (306 – 232). Since then, America has launched into a civil war, although it seems only one side is actually civil.

The Malibu Times published a long commentary by Burt Ross on Feb. 9 about President Trump. In case you missed it, here are the highlights:

“No manipulation of our language will make his lies any less loathsome. And how can you trust somebody who can’t stop lying?” 

“He was born with a platinum spoon in his mouth.”

“Trump acts like a gunfighter drunk on power.”

“He gives little thought to anything before taking action.”

“No dictator likes a free press, and Trump is no different.”

“He is never mistaken; never wrong and never doubts — all signs of a narcissistic man without an iota of empathy.”

“He ran to be our savior, not our president.”

“The man can’t even finish a sentence, let alone a complicated thought.”

There are about 30 more where those come from, each comment soaking in vitriol, lacking any depth or sophistication and, at the height of irony, all of them literally — literally — untrue.

Trump actually ran to be president, not a savior, but the Hate Trump Hysteria is not interested in understanding or describing him accurately, just vilifying him. And by the way, Trump finishes his sentences literally every time. He does show empathy, often, for the downtrodden in our inner cities, the people in America who want our successful values maintained, and those who scorn a dishonest, biased media.

Ross used his soapbox opportunity to express not a single policy argument.

For example, he could’ve made a point that 300 million Americans have drastically increased health costs, with inferior care/insurance under Obamacare, but argued it’s a good thing.

He could’ve described the increasing rolls of people giving up on work, and going into poverty and getting food stamps, as a positive direction: How Obama’s economy was so fantastic.

What about the increased crime rates and terror attacks, the deep polarization of the country, the rampant political correctness, the suppression of free speech?

No, Ross and the Left do not debate actual issues. Hate Trump Hysteria (HTH) is easier.

HTH is a cancer destroying America. While conservatives were devastated in 2012 when the leftist Obama defeated Mitt Romney, they managed to accept the results and avoided rioting in the streets. Why is it so difficult for the Left to accept election results? Or the Constitution? Or reality?

Trump and his supporters (once “deplorables”) are now regularly labeled “Nazis.” Meanwhile, Trump supporters have to whisper among themselves their joy of the Trump presidency. Whispering among themselves? That is what the Jews did in the period of the Nazis. What the blacks did in the old South. In HTH America, speaking out in favor of the rightfully elected president brings public humiliation and economic boycott. HTH, which won’t give Trump a chance, makes America a worse nation.

How about the reports in November that hundreds of thousands of families were broken up and unable to enjoy Thanksgiving together because HTH fanatics refused to sit and have a meal with a Trump voter, even if it had been their loving mother, now suddenly unworthy of association?

For all the paranoia of traditional religion, look at HTH that blankets America today. With religious-like fury, it seeks to strip away the foundations of the country that has brought so much prosperity and liberty to its people, and to those around the world.

Trump supporters understand Trump speaks like a fool in the micro, on trivial topics. Nevertheless, he makes truthful observations in the macro, on the big issues. The HTH movement, the epitome of intolerance, cannot comprehend this, even as they also speak literally in untruths. Trump has trumped their methods, and they hate it. There is more dishonesty with HTH and the media than the president himself! HTH makes Trump look good! 

Passion and protests — that is HTH. Trump is not so much the focus of it as he is the reaction to it. The people are fighting back on leftist dogma. Republicans now control the largest percentage of government at state and federal levels in American history.

The quiet majority of Americans has grown tired of being called “deplorable” or classified a racist, or sexist or homophobe, etc., for whatever they believe is right and used to be universally accepted. Tired that tiny segments of the population (that only vote Democrat) are given favor over the good of the majority, let alone the nation. Tired that obvious truth gets set aside, twisted or ignored by the mainstream media, which reports almost 100 percent negatively against Mr. Trump.

Trump is clearly motivated not by money or popularity, but only to make America better. Ultimately, in the big picture where it counts, Trump is the only one speaking honestly in this country.